Thursday, January 8, 2009

the Dark Side

I am totally aware of the dark side of the internet! I had let our Norton subscription expire, so I was depending on scans with no current updates. Somewhere in something my children probably downloaded a malware entered my computer. What a headache!! Even after having a professional run programs to scrub it, we still experienced problems. It took a total rebuild to get rid of it! It still concerns me how creative, smart and evil people are out there! But the good outweighs the far at least.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lifelong learning 2.0

This was a fun lesson. I am astounded at what you can learn online. There's definitely something out there for everyone. So many topics and so many different ways of learning! I used to surf the web a little for shopping or finding directions...I find myself doing a lot more now.

OCLS and Library 2.0

It is exciting to see how much this library is keeping up with current trends--all on it's own! I enjoy looking at Orlando Memory--Orlando has changed so much in such a short time! I haven't lived here that long, so I like hearing the stories.

And the orange seed is a wonderful way for employees to bring up new ideas. It had been a while since I'd looked, and I love that we encourage the input of our many diverse, creative employees!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Web 2.1 continues...

I had fun with this lesson! I liked finding new music...I'm definitely giving that site to my daughter.

The new places I played with were a medical site and a gaming site. I am always interested in finding out right away what new things they discover in the medical field, so I went to revolution health. In addition to newsflashes, you can look up specific ailments and get advice. The gaming site, Zango, looks like a lot of fun. I'll be exploring that some more on my free time!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I have to admit, I'm a little slower accepting change on some things like the new ideas for education. There's something to be said about discipline and organization. But you also have to keep up with the way things are going, so as long as learning's involved...? I do like the new ideas for "sharing" music and movies--paying for what you want, not just set packages.

I am glad to see that our library is keeping up with things-even the interactive mission statement.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Open source

First of all, let me start by saying that I have been playing with the Wii Fit everyday for the past 10 days...What fun! I love everything about it, except when it tells me how much I have gained since the last time I played.

I am totally amazed at how much you can do on computers now. I am a fan of open source, though I don't know enough about computers to feel secure about actually using something that is changing and not totally tested. I am all for sharing, though! Isn't that what libraries are about, too?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I had fun looking at the websites and seeing how many calories I need (less than what I eat) and learning ways to get fit on the web. I've seen aerobics on the tv, but I never thought there'd be exercise "classes" on the computer!

We just got Wii Fit, and I can't wait to try it out. The video makes it look like fun.