Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Kimchi, of course!!

Wow! I love grokker! And I thought google was great...Well, I had to search kimchi, of course. If you don't know why, go to grokker yourself and search it. Then find your nearest Korean restaurant and taste it (or even better, find a Korean friend!). Because the only thing missing from grokker is the taste (and smell!).


lola belle star said...

Hello there friend, I found a Korean restaurant how about your place at 7pm. Looking forward to taste some yummy kimchi!

marie antoinette said...

Hey sistah! Had our Korean food festival last night! So I ate a lot of kimchi! Yum, and there was a yellow root, can't remember the name of it now, little minnows, cuttlefish, and Korean candy, yum yum.

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

You will love this week's Adventure activity!

blog do Luiz said...

hello, sua puta do caralho q eu adoro faze sexo essa merda da porra q t aí so serve pa bota us homem pra correacho melhor voce infia isso dentru da sua busseta i saí na rua si gabando